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朗读故事:丽声拼读故事会六级——《Paula the Vet》
《Paula the Vet》
Paula is a vet and a very good vet. She opens the door and she calls, “Next pet!”
Here comes a man. He walks through the door.
He says, “My cat has a very sore paw.”
Paula has a look. The paw is torn.
“Aha!” says Paula, and takes out a thorn.
Yes, Paula is a vet and a very good vet. She opens the door and she calls, “Next pet!”
Here comes a boy. He walks through the door. He says, “My little dog’s tummy is sore.”
Paula tells the boy, “Your dog is ill, but she’ll soon get better if she takes this pill.”
Yes, Paula is a vet and a very good vet. She opens the door and she calls, “Next pet!”
Here comes a lady. She walks through the door. She says, “My rabbit has a very long claw.”
Paula tells the lady, “The nail needs a clip.” Paula gets her scissors — snip, snip, snip!
Yes, Paula is a vet and a very good vet. She opens the door and she calls, “Next pet!”
Here comes a girl. She walks through the door. She says, “My mouse won’t run any more.”
Paula has a look, and she says, “I think your mouse just needs more water to drink.”
All the morning, Paula the vet sees pet,after pet,after pet,after pet.
More and more dogs,more and more cats,more and more rabbits.
and mice, and rats.
Paula sees ordinary pets all morning. Paula feels bored. Paula starts yawning.
“It’s always the same,” thinks Paula the vet. “I wish I could see an extraodinary pet!”
But Paula the vet is a very good vet. So she opens the door and she calls, “Next pet!”
Here comes someone. He walks through the door. It’s a very small boy...with a dinosaur!
浩宇妈妈:我们在校区借适合孩子的录音绘本,在家进行了反复的练习录音,并细细琢磨一些组合单词的发音,提醒孩子注意语音语调,力求做得更好。也十分感谢E PLUS北外壹佳英语给孩子提供这样一个机会,为孩子搭建这么好的阅读平台,让孩子给大家展示她读的故事,让可以让我们和大家交流分享学英语的快乐!
E PLUS北外壹佳英语教学总监李茁老师指导录音
十分感谢浩宇妈妈为我们带来的经验分享,同时也感谢您对E PLUS北外壹佳英语的支持和认可。E PLUS北外壹佳英语期待与孩子共同进步和成长!
Vol.01 小红人和小绿人《The Red Man and the Green Man》
Vol.02 小红帽《The Tale of Little Red Riding Hood》
Vol.03 石匠阿郎《Yoshi the Stonecutter》
Vol.04 海上大营救《The Rescue》